New Date: Jan 17th! 8th Grade Updates & PAVE Zoom Meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 17th 7pm. Link for zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82044030442

You're invited to attend the next meeting of the New Rochelle Board of Education on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. The public session is at 7:00 p.m. at the Board of Education Offices at Central Administration, 515 North Avenue, 2nd floor, New Rochelle, NY, 10801. The Board anticipates holding an Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the employment history of a particular person or persons, which may lead to the appointment of a particular person or persons. The meeting will be live-streamed on Fios Cable channel 30 and Optimum Cable channel 77. It will also be viewable via the Zoom video conference platform. Join the meeting via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/91886196478.
Le invitamos a asistir a la próxima reunión de la Junta de Educación de New Rochelle el martes, 16 de enero de 2024. La sesión pública es a las 7:00 p.m. en las oficinas de la Junta de Educación en la Administración Central, 515 North Avenue, 2nd floor, New Rochelle, NY 10801. La Junta tiene prevista la celebración de una Sesión Ejecutiva a las 6:00 p.m. para hablar de el historial laboral de una persona o personas particulares, que puede conducir al nombramiento de una persona o personas particulares. La reunión se transmitirá en directo por el canal 30 de Fios Cable y el canal 77 de Optimum Cable. También podrá verse a través de la plataforma de videoconferencia Zoom. Únase a la reunión a través de Zoomhttps://zoom.us/j/91886196478.


Thanks to all who supported the New Rochelle Fund for Educational Excellence pancake breakfast! We appreciate you! ¡Gracias a todos los que apoyaron el desayuno de panqueques del Fondo para la Excelencia Educativa de New Rochelle! ¡Los apreciamos!

IEYMS families, Wednesday, November 22 is a half day. Grade 6 students will be dismissed at 11:50. Grades 7 and 8 will be dismissed at 12:00. There will be no after school activities. Athletes should check with their coaches regarding practice. Schools will be closed on November 23 and November 24. School will resume on Monday, November 27. We wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving season.
Buenas noches familias.
El miércoles 22 de noviembre tendremos medio día de instrucción escolar. Los estudiantes de sexto grado saldrán a las 11:50 de la mañana. Los estudiantes del 7 y 8 grado saldrán a las 12:00 de la tarde. No habrán actividades co-curriculares. Los estudiantes que practiquen deportes, deben consultar con sus entrenadores sobre la práctica. Las escuelas estarán cerradas el 23 y 24 de noviembre. Las clases se reanudarán el lunes 27 de noviembre. Le deseamos a usted y a sus seres queridos una muy feliz día de Acción de Gracias.

8th Grade Parents and Guardians: Tomorrow night NRHS is having an Open House, 6pm-8:30pm. Learn about NRHS PAVE program (Performing & Visual Arts Education), over 30 AP and Dual enrollment programs, Robotics, Architecture, Debate, Music Technology and more!

Please click here for the latest edition of the IEYMS Castle Newsletter! https://www.smore.com/k6hma

You're invited to attend the next meeting of the New Rochelle Board of Education on Thursday, November 2, 2023. The public session is at 7:00 p.m. (following a 6:00 p.m. Executive Session) at the Central Administration Building, 515 North Avenue, 2nd floor, New Rochelle, NY, 10801. The meeting will be live-streamed on Fios Cable channel 30 and Optimum Cable channel 77. It will also be viewable via the Zoom video conference platform. Join the meeting via Zoom at the link here. https://zoom.us/j/93936675388
Le invitamos a asistir a la próxima reunión de la Junta de Educación de New Rochelle el jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2023. La sesión pública es a las 7:00 p.m. (después de una Sesión Ejecutiva a las 6:00 p.m.) en el Edificio de Administración Central, 515 North Avenue, 2do piso, New Rochelle, NY, 10801. La reunión se transmitirá en directo por el canal 30 de Fios Cable y el canal 77 de Optimum Cable. También podrá verse a través de la plataforma de videoconferencia Zoom. Únase a la reunión a través de Zoom en el enlace aquí. https://zoom.us/j/93936675388

Please click here for the latest edition of the IEYMS Castle Newsletter!

You're invited to attend the next meeting of the New Rochelle Board of Education today, October 3, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Central Administration Building, 515 North Avenue, 2nd floor, New Rochelle, NY, 10801. The meeting will be live-streamed on Fios Cable channel 30 and Optimum Cable channel 77. It will also be viewable via the Zoom video conference platform. Join the meeting via Zoom at the link here.: https://zoom.us/j/95612189121

You're invited to attend the next meeting of the New Rochelle Board of Education on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Central Administration Building, 515 North Avenue, 2nd floor, New Rochelle, NY, 10801. The meeting will be live-streamed on Fios Cable channel 30 and Optimum Cable channel 77. It will also be viewable via the Zoom video conference platform. Join the meeting via Zoom at the link here. https://zoom.us/j/95612189121
Está invitado a asistir a la proxima reunión de la Junta de Educación de New Rochelle el martes, 3 de octubre de 2023, a las 6:00 p.m. Central Administration Building, 515 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10801. La reunión se retransmitirá en directo por el canal 30 de Fios Cable y el canal 77 de Optimum Cable.La reunión también se podrá ver a través de la plataforma de videoconferencia Zoom. Únase a la reunión a través de Zoom en el enlace aquí. https://zoom.us/j/95612189121

Please click here for the latest edition of the IEY Castle Newsletter! https://www.smore.com/3px0m

Don't miss the NRHS Planetarium show tonight at 7:00. It's free and open to the public! No te pierdas el espectáculo del Planetario de la NRHS esta noche a las 7:00. ¡Es gratis y está abierto al público

Thank you to Feeding Westchester and all the volunteers who helped the City School District of New Rochelle distribute nearly 7,000 pounds of food to 120 families this week.
Gracias a Feeding Westchester y a todos los voluntarios que ayudaron al Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de New Rochelle a distribuir casi 7.000 libras de alimentos a 120 familias esta semana.
#CSDNR #newrochelle #newro#FeedingWestchester

You're invited to attend the next meeting of the New Rochelle Board of Education on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Central Administration Building, 515 North Avenue, 2nd floor, New Rochelle, NY, 10801. The meeting also will be viewable via the Zoom video conference platform. Join the meeting via Zoom at the link here. https://zoom.us/j/92150560742

You're invited to attend the next meeting of the New Rochelle Board of Education on Thursday, September 7, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Linda E. Kelly Theatre at New Rochelle High School, 265 Clove Road, New Rochelle, NY 10801. The meeting also will be viewable via the Zoom video-conference platform.
Está invitado a asistir a la proxima reunión de la Junta de Educación de New Rochelle el jueves, 7 de septiembre de 2023, a las 6:00 p.m. Linda E. Kelly Theatre at New Rochelle High School, 265 Clove Road, New Rochelle, NY 10801. La reunión también se podrá ver a través de la plataforma de videoconferencia Zoom.

Please click below to view the 2023-2024 school supply list. The list is also available at the bottom of the IEYMS web page. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R7ht8XWe1N_fxGFcyuDd3b_KkaLLYHAtlF41svs0b58/edit?usp=sharing

You're invited to attend the next meeting of the New Rochelle Board of Education on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Central Administration, 515 North Avenue, 2nd floor, New Rochelle, NY 10801. The meeting also will be viewable via the Zoom video-conference platform. Join the meeting via Zoom at the link here: https://zoom.us/j/92570078094

Lincoln Park Conservancy's "Grow! Eat Pop Up Green Market" will be at the Mascaro Clubhouse this Friday, July 21! Be sure to stop by 79 Seventh Street in New Rochelle, beginning at 11:00 a.m. See you then!
VEN AQUÍ... "Pop Up Green Market" de Lincoln Park Conservancy estará en el Mascaro Clubhouse este viernes 21 de julio. Asegúrese de pasar por 79 Seventh Street en New Rochelle, a partir de las 11:00 a.m. ¡Nos vemos entonces!